
Good week!

My best friend is coming to visit!!

I haven't seen Rii in two years... we talk all the time, of course... but yeah. Wow. I'm so excited! She's flying up here in October. :] We're going to have so much fun! We've known each other for... just about 8 years now. It'll be 8 years in two weeks and two days. haha

Had an awesome day today. I went to bed at an almost normal time the past couple of nights, and got plenty of rest. Feeling pretty good! Went shopping for a few things today... got seasons 2 & 3 of Psych (one of my favorite shows!!) and the X-Men trilogy (some of my favorite movies, and shockingly didn't have them). My Grandma treated me to a pair of new PJ bottoms. :] Really nice, comfy capri ones too from American Eagle! I never buy myself PJs, so most of mine are a year or more old (some being as old as 4 years), and starting to get really worn out... haha So I'm pretty excited to go get in my comfy new PJs!

Yesterday was pretty awesome too. Nic, David, and I hung out with some of our buddies... Luke, Cody, and Brandon. We went and saw Wolverine again. Great, great movie! Love it! It was a lot of fun... we went to Starbucks and Taco Bell afterwards, and then played some Apples to Apples. Good times!

I so rarely have so many days in a row off from band practices or shows, so this week has been a nice treat. Even so, I'm still working on tons of band stuff. Writing new songs, practicing on my own, editting podcasts and photos, learning how to design a website for the band... etc.

But tomorrow... chore day. Fun, fun!

Well, back to practice. Oyasumi nasai, minna-san!

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